It really is an amazing feeling when you fight hard and at the end you are rewarded for it. Of course sometimes it happens, and sometimes it doesn’t. The most important thing is to keep believing and fighting back. There is no room for giving up. It paid off today for me, but I have to give a lot of credit to Andy who really stretched me to limits. I love what I do and I enjoyed every moment of these past two weeks. Hope you enjoyed it too, and hope you are going to smile now when I take an opportunity to apologize (once again) for giving you couple of heart attacks today. Seriously, I’m not doing it on purpose! But please promise you will take some time to relax after these 3h of excitement :) So, I dedicate this trophy to all of you who never give up! Thank you guys, I received so much love from you – together we are pushing the limits!

E pa znate šta, ne kažu tek tako da se trud isplati! Večeras sam ostavio srce na terenu i do kraja verovao da mogu da pobedim, i isplatilo se. Nekada uspem, nekada ne, ali naučio sam da se nikad ne predajem i da se uvek borim do poslednjeg trenutka. Nema mesta za predaju. Svaka čast i Endiju koji me je naterao da pomerim granice. Uživao sam u svakom trenutku u poslednje dve nedelje a nadam se da ste i vi i da će vas nasmejati još jedno moje izvinjenje što sam vam po hiljaditi put pokidao živce u svom prepoznatljivom stilu. Verujte mi ne radim to namerno :) Ipak, molim vas da mi obećate da ćete uzeti malo vremena da se odmorite posle ova tri sata vatrenog uzbuđenja. Hvala Bogu pa je nedelja :) A ovaj trofej posvećujem svima vama koji nikad ne odustajete! Hvala vam mnogo, primio sam toliko ljubavi od vas – i zajedno stvarno pomeramo granice!

Thank you for all of the bday wishes !! ❤️🙏🏼🫶🏼

RT @atptour: Achievement unlocked 🔓

The defending champion glides through to the QF’s in Rome for the 17th consecutive year 👉


IDEMOOO let’s go @InteBNLdItalia 🇮🇹💪🏼❤️❤️


Happy #NoleFam Day @NovakFanClub 🙌 thank you for all of your love and support from around the world 🫶🤗🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #SrpskaOpen

Pleasure to meet you, George. Good luck in Baku. 💪🏼



⏱️ #nottoobad #HublotAmbassador