One photo from my office. How was your #dayatwork?

Hey guys! How are you? I took some time off to have

Hey guys! How are you? I took some time off to have a good relaxing holiday. As you can see, i had couple of weeks of rest in a beautiful tropical place with Jelena. Just what i needed after a long, but successful season. We really enjoyed and recharged our batteries. I am writing you from London. I came here to attend a Winter Whites Gala at the Statoil Tennis event that is held tomorrow evening. It is a charity event that is hoping to raise awareness and funds for Centrepoint charity for homeless young people, whose patron is Duke of Cambridge, Prince William. I am really happy to have a chance to meet him and express my admiration for his philanthropy work. He is a great example of how important it is to never forget that there are many people who are less fortunate than ourselves,and that we should always try to help as much as we can. The world would be much happier and better place if we all cared for each other. Sometimes a simple smile and polite word can change someone’s life, and it doesn’t cost a thing! :)

Ćao društvo! Kako ste mi? Poslednjih par nedelja sam bio sa Jelenom na odmoru, na jednom prelepom tropskom ostrvu pa vam se zato nisam javljao. Posle naporne ali uspešne godine, baš mi je trebalo da se isključim, opustim i napunim baterije. Sada vam pišem iz Londona. Došao sam ovde da prisustvujem humanitarnoj večeri koja prikuplja novac za Centrepoint organizaciju s ciljem da pomogne mladima koji su ostali bez doma i porodice i žive na ulicama Engleske. Radujem se da upoznam i Princa Vilijama, patrona ove organizacije. On je divan primer mladog čoveka svesnog da ima mnogo onih koji su manje srećni od njega i kojima treba pomoć. Svet bi bio mnogo lepše mesto kada bi svako od nas pokušao da na neki način doprinese poboljšanju života ljudi koji nas okružuju. Ponekad je i osmeh dovoljan da ulepša dan, a to ništa ne košta :)

Couldn’t be happier! Thank you all for your love and support. I

Couldn’t be happier! Thank you all for your love and support. I never walk alone with you by my side… Now is time for holiday! I cannot wait!

Presrećan sam! Hvala vam svima na svoj ljubavi i podršci koju mi pružate. Sa vama je sve lakše – i pobede i porazi. A sada idem na duuugo priželjkivan odmor :)

So happy!!! Thank u all for ur love and support! Now is holiday time :)

I’m at O2 Arena. Are you ready for semis today?Evo me u

I’m at O2 Arena. Are you ready for semis today?

Evo me u O2 areni, jeste li spremni za polufinale?

I’m at O2 now. Are you ready for semis today? See u soon!

@DavidFerrer87: Homenaje a @juankiferri en el O2 con los jugadores de la armada,capitan y @DjokerNole .”Bravo JC

I’m happy to be through to semis for the first time here

I’m happy to be through to semis for the first time here in London. No more Round Robin from here and it’s either win or lose now. I’m impressed to see so many people coming to watch the matches this week! Thank you all for coming, it is a pleasure playing in front of you and I hope you are having fun :) I know who else is having fun – my little doggy. He got from the tournament and ATP a big basket of treats and toys so he’s having a blast in London. Christmas came earlier for him this year :) I have to thank them too for being so kind to us this week. Thank you! :)

Presrećan sam što sam po prvi put u polufinalu ovde u Londonu. Sve od sada je ili pobeda ili poraz, nema više prostora za popravni. Inače, potpuno sam impresioniran ovolikim brojem gledalaca u publici tokom cele nedelje i tokom svakog meča! Hvala svima koji dolaze da nas bodre, zadovoljstvo je igrati u takvom okruženju i baš se nadam da svi uživate i da se lepo zabavljate gledajući mečeve. A znam ja ko se još odlično zabavlja – moj ljubimac Pjer :) Dobio je od organizatora turnira i ATP-a veliku korpu punu poslastica i igračaka pa je potpuno pošašavio! Za njega je Božić stigao ranije ove godine ;) Moram da im se iskreno zahvalim na gostoljubivosti i darežljivosti. Mnogo hvala! :)

It’s feels good to start off WTF with a win. The O2 arena was packed! It is always nice to play in front of the full stadium. Thank you all for coming and watching the match! I play vs Andy on Wednesday. We have great rivalry going on and I’m sure it will be an exciting match for you guys to follow. And at the end, I have to thank you for so many great wishes today when the new ATP ranking was announced. Thank you for all your support! Look at this wonderful video that #NoleFam made for me, you left me speechless

Stvarno je dobar osećaj početi ovako bitan, težak turnir pobedom. O2 Arena je bila prepuna i u takvoj atmosferi je uvek zadovoljstvo igrati. Hvala vam svima koji ste došli večeras da nas podržite. Sledeći meč igram u sredu protiv Mareja, koji je uvek nezgodan protivnik. Veliko rivalstvo smo razvili tokom godina i verujem da će mnogima biti zanimljivo da gledaju taj naš meč. Rezultat će svakako biti neizvestan :) I na kraju, želeo bih da se svima od srca zahvalim na prelepim željama i rečima podrške nakon objave nove ATP rang liste danas. Hvala i mojim #NoleFam navijačima iz celog sveta koji su se udružili i organizovali da bi obeležili ovaj dan na poseban način. Napravili su ovaj video koji želim da podelim sa vama

Happy to start off w/ win. I play on Wed vs @andymurray – always a challenge. O2 Arena was packed! Thx for coming!