[NOLE FOR YOU 11] Novak Djokovic live answering to his fans questions. Ask Nole via http://djoke.rs/n4u

After this I needed a couple of mins to catch my breath – and it was only a warm up before hitting with my brother. Lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ix2_FDafu-w&feature=youtu.be

Posle ovoga mi je trebalo par minuta da dođemo do daha, a to je bio samo deo zagrevanja pred moj trening sa bratom :)

After this i needed couple of min to catch my breath – and it was only warm up before hitting with my brother. Lol

I wish you lots of beautiful moments with your dear ones, lots of love, health, smiles and may all your wishes come true in New Year. From the bottom of my heart I wish you a Merry Christmas, and to all of us I wish that we take care of ourselves and others. Happy holidays! http://djoke.rs/ny

Želim vam divne trenutke sa najbližima, puno ljubavi i osmeha i ostvarenje svih želja u Novoj godini. Od srca vam želim divne Božićne trenutke, a svima zajedno da više brinemo o slabijima, mlađim i starijima i jedni o drugima! Srećni praznici!

I wish you lots of beautiful moments with your dear ones, lots of love, health, smiles and may all your wishes come true in New Year. From the bottom of my heart I wish you Merry Christmas, and to all of us I wish that we take care of ourselves and others. Happy holidays!

Želim vam divne trenutke sa najbližima, puno ljubavi i osmeha i ostvarenje svih želja u Novoj godini. Od srca vam želim divne božićne trenutke, a svima zajedno da više brinemo o slabijima, mlađim i starijima i jedni o drugima! Srećni praznici!

Discover the Royal Oak TV film, celebrating 40 years of a revolutionary timepiece.
In line with that spirit: Soundtrack by Jimi Hendrix. http://goo.gl/mqPBH

Hello, my friends, hope you are all well. I am practicing and doing my best to keep my focus in this last week of the season. It’s tough, but I am so very grateful for all of you fans who are there for me. Thank you for your support! I also heave great support from my racquet sponsor HEAD Tennis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weGinbCIM-4 and they are proudly celebrating my no.1 place :) Here is the exclusive interview that you might be interested to see. I’m off to sleep now – tomorrow is another important day in the office :)

Pozdrav svima, nadam se da ste mi dobro! Ovih dana intenzivno treniram i dajem sve od sebe da zadržim visok nivo igre i u ovoj poslednjoj nedelji sezone. Nije lako, ali sam zahvalan što vas imam, što me bodrite i što ste stalno uz mene. Hvala vam na konstantnoj podršci! Srećan sam da mogu da se pohvalim i sa sjajnom podrškom od strane mog spoznora Head-a koji je na svoj način proslavio i ovu moju No.1 poziciju :) Ovde je eksluzivan intervju koji će vam možda biti zanimljiv http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weGinbCIM-4 Sad odoh na spavanjac – preda mnom je još jedan važan dan u “kancelariji” :)

[NOLE FOR YOU 10] Novak Djokovic live answering to his fans questions. Ask Nole via http://djoke.rs/n4u

It’s feels good to start off WTF with a win. The O2 arena was packed! It is always nice to play in front of the full stadium. Thank you all for coming and watching the match! I play vs Andy on Wednesday. We have great rivalry going on and I’m sure it will be an exciting match for you guys to follow. And at the end, I have to thank you for so many great wishes today when the new ATP ranking was announced. Thank you for all your support! Look at this wonderful video that #NoleFam made for me, you left me speechless http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_ygvmmxuXI&feature=youtu.be&a

Stvarno je dobar osećaj početi ovako bitan, težak turnir pobedom. O2 Arena je bila prepuna i u takvoj atmosferi je uvek zadovoljstvo igrati. Hvala vam svima koji ste došli večeras da nas podržite. Sledeći meč igram u sredu protiv Mareja, koji je uvek nezgodan protivnik. Veliko rivalstvo smo razvili tokom godina i verujem da će mnogima biti zanimljivo da gledaju taj naš meč. Rezultat će svakako biti neizvestan :) I na kraju, želeo bih da se svima od srca zahvalim na prelepim željama i rečima podrške nakon objave nove ATP rang liste danas. Hvala i mojim #NoleFam navijačima iz celog sveta koji su se udružili i organizovali da bi obeležili ovaj dan na poseban način. Napravili su ovaj video koji želim da podelim sa vama http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_ygvmmxuXI&feature=youtu.be&a

Novak Djokovic – Uniqlo – Clothes for Smiles