Novak Djokovic and Uniqlo Join Hands to Set Up “Clothes for Smiles”

During his Asian swing, Novak Djokovic spent some time meeting with the LA Clippers’ staff and even exchanged jerseys.

Credit: TWbandsoundlover

Believe in their dreams –

Hello guys! Finally the US Open starts! My match is scheduled tomorrow night and I’m quite excited to play the night session on Arthur Ashe and i can tell you why. The crowd is really enjoying the tennis and rooting for their favourite, and
then, there is the music and dancing going on in between the games too.. Remember my dance last year? lol We all enjoyed it :) And when we have fun at work, we manage to pull out some great shots here and there… like this one the other day.. )

Hello guys! Finally the US Open starts!My match is scheduled tomorrow night and I’m quite excited to play the night session on Arthur Ashe and i can tell you why. The crowd is really enjoying the tennis and rooting for their favourite, and then, there is the music and dancing going on in between the games too.. Remember my dance last year? lol We all enjoyed it :) And when we have fun at work, we manage to pull out some great shots here and there… like this one the other day.. )

Cao svima! I najzad je poceo US Open. Moj mec je predvidjen za sutra uvece i bas se radujem sto cu vec sutra osetiti fantasticnu atmosferu na Arthur Ashe stadionu. Nocni mecevi su uvek posebni zbog muzike i publike koja ucestvuje u svakom poenu. A izmedju gemova ima i dosta njih koji se oprobaju i u plesu :) Pa i ja sam se pridruzio prosle godine, secate se? A kada se zabavljamo i uzivamo dok radimo, moguci su i ovakvi iznenadjujuci udarci i trikovi…:)

Just came back from Arthur Ashe Kids day. I had so much fun and hope you will be able to see some video clips and photos. We were laughing non-stop! Oh, and in case you didn’t see this latest video at HEAD Tennis, you better check it out. My idea turned into quite painful failure… yeah, not my best idea ever. ;)

Upravo sam se vratio sa Arthur Ashe Kids day-a. Bas sam se super proveo, smejali smo se non-stop! Nadam se da cete imati priliku da vidite neke slike i video klipove na netu. I u slucaju da niste ispratili poslednji video na HEAD Tennis, mozete da ga pogledate i ovde. Nisam predvideo da moj predlog moze tako lako da se pretvori u fijasko…Al dobro. Pamet u glavu i…nove loptice u dzep ;)

It seems that Maria Sharapova didn’t want to let me get away so easily with all my impersonations of her in the past few years. It was finally her turn to challenge me and I can tell you this – she was pretty much thinking out of the box :) But see for yourself where this challenge took place. Oh, and you should follow the full contest at HEAD Tennis

Pozdrav svim navijačima od Olimpijskog tima Srbije.

Counting down and getting ready! The draw is out and I’ll be facing first Fabio Fognini :) Thank you my friends for great words of support, tweets and messages before the Olympics! Thanks #nolefam for this great video! I am really touched by your love and support. Nothing without you :)

Polako odbrojavam i sa uzbuđenjem iščekujem početak! Danas su objavili žreb i igraću prvo protiv Fabija Fonjinija. Hvala vam svima na velikoj podršci i lepim rečima koje mi šaljete sad pred Olimpijadu. Takođe želim da se zahvalim #Nolefam za ovako fantastičan i dirljiv video. Šta bih ja bez vas?! :)