[NOLE FOR YOU 5] Novak Djokovic live answering to his fans questions. Ask Nole via http://djoke.rs/n4u

[NOLE FOR YOU 4] Novak Djokovic live answering to his fans questions. Ask Nole via http://djoke.rs/n4u

It could have been a better day for me, but nevertheless I’m leaving Paris with warm heart and great memories. Every experience makes me stronger and better. I move on to the next challenge with the highest hopes. Always aiming the big trophy at the end while picking up some valuable lessons on the way. Just like today. Congrats for incredible run Rafa! We’ll meet again… :) I have this special song for you my friends – thank you for believing in me all the way! http://goo.gl/UTsRb

Moglo je i bolje da se zavrsi danas za mene, ali bez obzira na ishod meca odlazim iz Pariza toplog srca i sa puno divnih utisaka. Svako iskustvo me cini boljim i jacim. Idem dalje u nove izazove kao i uvek sa zeljom da osvojim najsjajnije odlicje. Na svakom putu uvek naucim ponesto vredno, bas kao i danas. Cestitam na velikom uspehu Rafa. Videcemo se ponovo… :) A za vas dragi moji prijatelji, imam jednu posebnu pesmu – hvala vam sto verujete u mene! http://goo.gl/UTsRb

Bonjour tout le monde! Here you go, as promised, the full video of @Audemars Piguet commercial that we did last year. What do you think? :)

Bonjour tout le monde! Evo kao što sam obećao, ceo video Audemars Piguet reklame koju smo snimili na kraju prošle godine. Kako vam se sviđa?

Life is all about engagement, decisions and chance. Defining Moments are rare and valuable; they can change the course of life. Audemars Piguet Ambassador Novak Djokovic unveils his Defining Moment. http://goo.gl/B8XQ4

Source: Audemars Piguet

[NOLE FOR YOU 3] Novak Djokovic live answering to his fans questions. Ask Nole via http://djoke.rs/n4u

Good morning my friends! Excited to see the draw today? :) Here is little something for you to see while waiting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vmJZVK9NcE&feature=youtu.be
And the official Audemars Piguet video is coming up on 1st June, this is just a trailer. Stay tuned :)

Dobro jutro drugari! Uzbuđeni da vidite žreb? :) Evo jednog kratkog videa da nam prekrati vreme dok čekamo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vmJZVK9NcE&feature=youtu.be
Oficijelni video izlazi 1. juna, ovo je samo najava :)

Finished with my practice and on my way home to watch Eurovision :) Have you heard Serbian song? :)

Upravo sam završio trening i vraćam se kući da gledam Evroviziju :) Kako vam se sviđa naša pesma? :)

Life is all about engagement, decisions and chance. Defining Moments are rare and valuable; they can change the course of life. In this series of movies, Novak Djokovic and other Audemars Piguet Ambassadors, unveil their Defining Moments.

U životu su važni angažovanje, odluke i prilika. Trenuci koji određuju život su retki i dragoceni, mogu da promene tok života. U ovom serijalu filmova, Audemars Piguet Ambasadori, među njima i Novak, predstavljaju trenutke koji su odredili njihov život.

[NOLE FOR YOU 2] Novak Djokovic live answering to his fans questions. Ask Nole via http://djoke.rs/n4u