Ready for tomorrow?! I play 3trd match after girls vs Starace. I

Ready for tomorrow?! I play 3trd match after girls vs Starace. I am ready and excited to come back to play Roland Garros! Congrats to Janko, Viktor, Nenad and Miki for winning the World Team Cup and our swimmer Milorad Cavic for winning European gold! Well done guys! See you tomorrow :)

Jeste li spremni za sutra?! Ja sam spreman i uzbuđen što ponovo igram na Rolan Garosu! Čestitam Janku, Viktoru, Nenadu i Mikiju na sjajnim rezultatima i Miloradu Čaviću na osvojenom Evropskom zlatu u Debrecinu! Divan sportski vikend za moju zemlju, divan vikend za mene! Bravo momci! Vidimo se sutra :)

Very excited to come back and play on #rolandgarros! 3rd match vs Starace tomorrow, r u ready? ;)