Had a lot of fun tonight on the player’s party. Only here in Monaco players get together and have a private show doing impersonations of other players. A lot of laughing and fun for all the players, wives, girlfriends, friends and coaches!Sometimes it’s good to relax before the match in a nice atmosphere :) Tomorrow I play 3rd match against Dolgopolov. See you!
Veceras smo se svi igraci okupili na zurci. To je tradicija za svaki turnir, uvek se izdvoji jedan dan za zurku, ali ovde u Monaku je posebna zurka zato sto igraci ucestvuju u predstavi imitirajuci jedni druge, i skoro niko ne propusta da dodje i pogleda show. Svake godine ucestvujem i uvek se svi lepo ismejemo i opustimo. Ponekad je to najbolji recept za opustanje pred mec – dosta smeha sa prijateljima i kolegama :) Sutra igram 3ci mec protiv Dolgopolova. Vidimo se! :)

Thank you for all of the bday wishes !! ❤️🙏🏼🫶🏼 https://t.co/aZrrZlFhMY

RT @atptour: Achievement unlocked 🔓

The defending champion glides through to the QF’s in Rome for the 17th consecutive year 👉


IDEMOOO let’s go @InteBNLdItalia 🇮🇹💪🏼❤️❤️ https://t.co/Pn4FbKVRM9

👋🏼❤️❤️ https://t.co/8XHu0mb57S

Happy #NoleFam Day @NovakFanClub 🙌 thank you for all of your love and support from around the world 🫶🤗🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️ https://t.co/XRQuOUte9v

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #SrpskaOpen https://t.co/wBnlRQCeH4

Pleasure to meet you, George. Good luck in Baku. 💪🏼 https://t.co/uByiqeoGA9

😂😂 https://t.co/otTU81pXvL

👋🏼🙌🏼💪🏼☄️🎾🎾🎾 https://t.co/eu89ks9RWy

⏱️ #nottoobad #HublotAmbassador https://t.co/x0OYBh3Dzf