Danas sam imao priliku da posetim Anton Skala školu u okviru programa aktivnosti Novak Đoković Fondacije. Srećan sam što će Fondacija podržati opremanje školskog dvorišta i što će ova divna dečica dobiti priliku da se igraju u bezbednom okruženju sa drugarima ne samo iz svoje škole, već i iz drugih škola iz kraja. Bili su jako srećni i uzbuđeni što smo im došli u posetu, čak su pripremili i malu priredbu za nas :)
Hey my friends, I’ve been quite busy these past few days in Belgrade. Today, on behalf of the Novak Djokovic Foundation I had a field visit with my mom and girlfriend. We went to elementary school “Anton Skala” for children with disabilities, to announce our support in equipping their school yard with special tools and fitness machines so they can have an opportunity to learn through play. They were so happy and excited to show me their school and we played together and sang :)