Many of my fans were asking me where they can buy my match wear, rackets and clothes with my name or logo on it. It took some time to make it all available in one place, but I’m happy to say that we finally found a solution :). Visit my official e-shop page here

Mnogi od vas su mi pisali i pitali me gde mogu da kupe moj dres, reket i drugu opremu sa mojim imenom i logom. Bilo nam je potrebno neko vreme da vam omogućimo sve na jednom mestu, ali evo gotov je moj e-shop . Šta kažete? :)

I wanted to share this news with you for a looooong time and my team had a tough time making me keep it a secret. The day has finally come and I am very excited to announce something very dear and important to me. Read about it in my blog here:

Želim da podelim ovo iznenađenje sa vama već jako dugo i moj tim se pomučio da me nagovori da se strpim :) Ali spremni smo i baš sam srećan da sa vama podelim nešto što mi mnogo znači. Evo detaljno o čemu se radi u mom blog postu :)…

Bonjour Paris!Today is Kids day at ROLAND-GARROS and i’ll join at 15:45 to help raise more funds for kids :) we will also talk about the help needed for Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia. Through Novak Djokovic Foundation you can donate to help rebuild/restore kindergartens in Serbia, while on our website you can find clear instructions on how to donate to Bosnia and Croatia! Thank you good people! watch live here

Savetujem vas da procitate ovaj fantasticni blog post Tanje Peternek, voditeljke emisije “Kao sav normalan svet” na RTSu. Treba svi da se potrudimo da citamo sto vise dobrih vesti, a i da i mi sami, svojim delima proizvodimo lepe vesti :) Novak Djokovic Foundation…

I think that this article is a must read for all of you my #NoleFam since I know how committed we are to spread good and positive news world wide. In this article you can see how we ended up being manipulated into believing that there are no #GoodNews around us. Let’s change that!…

Good morning my friends! I wish you and your families Merry Christmas and lots of health, love and joy!!

Here is a short video of me and couple of guys you know singing Christmas song for you!

Kao UNICEF Ambasador za Srbiju, imam odgovornost da podelim sa vama ovu bitnu informaciju i pozovem vas da nam se pridruzite u borbi protiv nasilja nad decom. Iako ga ne vidite, ono je i te kako prisutno u drustvu.

Sva deca imaju pravo na zivot bez nasilja. Nasilje utice negativno na njihov fizicki i mentalni razvoj i unazadjuje celokupno drustvo. Mozemo da ga sprecimo ukoliko se svi ujedinimo i slozimo da je neprihvatljivo i nedopustivo.

Pridruzite nam se i podelite sa nama vase iskustvo i misli. Vreme je da stanemo na put nasilju!

Being a UNICEF Ambassador for Serbia, i feel it is my duty to share with you this very important information and invite you to join us in the mission to STOP the violence against children worldwide.

All children have the right to live free from violence. Violence harms their physical and mental growth and holds back every society.

Violence against children is entirely preventable when people come together and say that it is not acceptable. When they make the invisible visible.

I’d like to invite you to join the global movement to #ENDviolence against children with UNICEF. I know i will.

….and a group photo for the end!

…i jedna grupna fotografija za kraj!…

There were so many little ones watching my practices these days and cheering for me. I invited them to hit with me at the end and they seemed quite happy! Hope it will motivate them to keep up their hard work :)

Bilo je puno decice koja su dolazila redovno da gledaju moje treninge ovih dana, na kraju nisam izdrzao da ih ne pozovem da mi se pridruze na terenu. Nadam se da sam ih usrecio i motivisao da nastave da se trude i vredno rade :)