Novak Djokovic Foundation – Believe in their

People, board on my arc the flood is coming! LOL, well, more like „board on my back“ :)

This is how my fitness coach punishes me after a whole day of training… haha

Ovo mi dodje kao kazna posle celog dana treninga ;)

People, board on my arc the flood is coming! LOL, well, more like „board on my back“ :)

This is how my fitness coach punishes me after a whole day of training… haha

Ovo mi dodje kao kazna posle celog dana treninga ;)

….and a group photo for the end!

…i jedna grupna fotografija za kraj!

There were so many little ones watching my practices these days and cheering for me. I invited them to hit with me at the end and they seemed quite happy! Hope it will motivate them to keep up their hard work :)

Bilo je puno decice koja su dolazila redovno da gledaju moje treninge ovih dana, na kraju nisam izdrzao da ih ne pozovem da mi se pridruze na terenu. Nadam se da sam ih usrecio i motivisao da nastave da se trude i vredno rade :)

Inspired by Tom’s great performance ( ) I thought I could give it a try… Obviously I need some practice, but I’m not that bad right? Hahaha

Tom me je inspirisao da i sam probam beetbox :) sta mislite, nisam bas toliko los?

Inspired by Tom’s great performance ( ) I thought I could give it a try… Obviously I need some practice, but I’m not that bad right? Hahaha

Tom me je inspirisao da i sam probam beetbox :) sta mislite, nisam bas toliko los?

23.07.2006. Amersfoort – Novak’s First ATP Title in