My Belgrade from the sky. Warms my heart and soul each time.

Idemoooooo #TeamSerbia #TimSrbija🇷🇸 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Today’s practice.. #TeamSerbia🇷🇸 Idemooooooo

Improvizovani tenis sa dragim volonterima Dejvis Kupa u Beogradu

April 1st and my 1st training on clay… Going strong 💪. Belgrade here I come 👏👍

April 1st and my 1st training on clay…. Feels good! Belgrade here I come 👍👏💪

Prvi trening na šljaci u ovoj godini i osećaj je sjajan! Idemoooo Beograd 💪🏻

Finally got home after couple of busy weeks. Not for long tho, I’m heading to Paris very soon on another quest!

I finally got to be home for a little bit after few

I finally got to be home for a little bit after few very busy but successful weeks. I will have just enough time to re-pack my suitcases as I’m heading to Paris on another quest :) I was in Belgrade last week, so I had a chance to meet up with all my family and friends. I missed them so much during my travels. It’s always so good to catch up with them and see that they are all happy and healthy. Hope all of you are enjoying this unusually warm weather in October. It’s so nice, it almost feels like spring!

I evo me ponovo kod kuće posle nekoliko radnih ali uspešnih nedelja. Neću se zadržati dugo, taman da prepakujem stvari jer već kroz par dana idem u Pariz u nove pohode :) Poslednjih par dana sam proveo u Beogradu sa familijom i prijateljima. Nadam se da ste svi zdravo i dobro i da uživate u nesvakidašnje toplim oktobarskim danima. Kao da je proleće :)