So exited about this @NovakFoundation campaign. Share w/ us your #Sportin1Word. Watch the video & lets have some fu…

This is an exciting day for children in Serbia! We are very happy to see that this fantastic early childhood development project with the World Bank is coming to our country. It brings us one step closer to ensuring that every child is given equal access to the resources needed to support their growth and development. I was fortunate to have a loving family and support from an early age to pursue my dreams, and my team at the Novak Djokovic Foundation has been working hard to build those same foundations in Serbia so others have the same opportunities to become champions of their dreams too 🙏🏼

Ово је узбудљив дан за децу у Србији! Веома смо срећни да овај фантастични пројекат раног развоја деце у сарадњи са Светском банком долази у нашу земљу. То је корак ближе ка томе да свако дете има подједнак приступ средствима која подстичу њихов раст и напредак. Ја сам имао срећу да је уз мене била породица која ме воли и да сам имао подршку да као сасвим мали следим своје снове, а мој тим и Фондација Новак Ђоковић раде напорно да се исте основе развију у Србији тако да и други имају прилику да постану шампиони својих снова.

Exciting day for Children in Serbia! We’re one step closer to ensuring quality #ECE for all of them… and beyond 🙏…

A HUGE thank you for the amazing energy tonight from me and the whole @novakfoundation team! <3

The whole Novak Djokovic Foundation team and I are honoured and grateful for the opportunity to be part of such a wonderful charity event. A big THANK YOU goes to Australian Open for the organisation and of course all of you coming to the stadium and everybody who made a donation to our Foundation online or via phone. Many children in developing areas in Serbia will benefit from your generosity.

On the sporty and fun side a big THANK YOU goes to Alexander Zverev for all those aces, as well as Dylan Alcott, Shane Warne, Meg Lanning, Aaron Finch, Cam Smith, Max Gawn, Archie Thompson and Sharelle McMahon for the challenging tasks. Thank you Roy Emerson and Cirque du Soleil.

It was fun and don’t forget — you can still get involved by donating online:

U ime Fondacije Novak Đoković i svoje lično ime zahvaljujem se svima koji su podržali organizaciju večerašnjeg događaja u Melburnu i svima vama koji ste nas pratili uživo :)
Znam da će mališanima u Srbiji ova pomoć značiti ❤

I am so glad to have been on the Winter Whites Gala

I am so glad to have been on the Winter Whites Gala event last night. It was beautifully organized and I enjoyed very much watching the legends of tennis produce some magic on court. I got to hit couple of balls too :) on the other side, I am very grateful for the award I received from Duke of Cambridge, Prince William. It is a great honor to receive such a prestigious award, and I hope that through Novak Djokovic Foundation we will be able to help even more children in Serbia and around the world have better lives. I am now off to Necker Island for another charity event. I wish you all a wonderful day today! :)

Toliko sam srećan sto sam sinoć prisustvovao Winter Whites Gala događaju u Londonu. Sve je bilo sjajno organizovano i uživao sam gledajući velike teniske legende na terenu. A ni ja nisam mogao da se suzdržim da ne udarim par loptica :) Veoma sam zahvalan na priznanju koje mi je uručio Princ Vilijam, Vojvoda od Kembridža. Čast je i velika odgovornost primiti tako značajno priznanje i verujem da ćemo kroz aktivnosti Novak Đoković fondacije u budućnosti moći da doprinesemo boljem životu još većeg broja mališana u mojoj Srbiji, kao i mališana širom sveta! Upravo krećem na Ostrvo Neker na još jedan humanitarni događaj. Želim vam svima divan dan!

Hey guys! How are you? I took some time off to have

Hey guys! How are you? I took some time off to have a good relaxing holiday. As you can see, i had couple of weeks of rest in a beautiful tropical place with Jelena. Just what i needed after a long, but successful season. We really enjoyed and recharged our batteries. I am writing you from London. I came here to attend a Winter Whites Gala at the Statoil Tennis event that is held tomorrow evening. It is a charity event that is hoping to raise awareness and funds for Centrepoint charity for homeless young people, whose patron is Duke of Cambridge, Prince William. I am really happy to have a chance to meet him and express my admiration for his philanthropy work. He is a great example of how important it is to never forget that there are many people who are less fortunate than ourselves,and that we should always try to help as much as we can. The world would be much happier and better place if we all cared for each other. Sometimes a simple smile and polite word can change someone’s life, and it doesn’t cost a thing! :)

Ćao društvo! Kako ste mi? Poslednjih par nedelja sam bio sa Jelenom na odmoru, na jednom prelepom tropskom ostrvu pa vam se zato nisam javljao. Posle naporne ali uspešne godine, baš mi je trebalo da se isključim, opustim i napunim baterije. Sada vam pišem iz Londona. Došao sam ovde da prisustvujem humanitarnoj večeri koja prikuplja novac za Centrepoint organizaciju s ciljem da pomogne mladima koji su ostali bez doma i porodice i žive na ulicama Engleske. Radujem se da upoznam i Princa Vilijama, patrona ove organizacije. On je divan primer mladog čoveka svesnog da ima mnogo onih koji su manje srećni od njega i kojima treba pomoć. Svet bi bio mnogo lepše mesto kada bi svako od nas pokušao da na neki način doprinese poboljšanju života ljudi koji nas okružuju. Ponekad je i osmeh dovoljan da ulepša dan, a to ništa ne košta :)

Great 2 weeks behind me! Successful foundation NYC event & visit to kindergarten in Serbia! Full of energy back 2 gym:)

After almost two weeks of „active“ rest I’m back in the gym.

After almost two weeks of „active“ rest I’m back in the gym. Preparations for the Asian swing under way :) I had two very exciting weeks behind me. Novak Djokovic Foundation had its first ever fundraising event in NY and with help of many generous friends we raised almost $1.4milion for kids in Serbia. I also had a chance to visit one of the newly opened kindergartens in Serbia as part of the UNICEF program and see so many happy faces. I am glad to have contributed and I’m looking forward to do more in the future. I got so much positive energy from those kids that now i feel i can fly :) Thank You for being around! It means a lot!

Posle skoro dve nedelje aktivnog odmora, vraćam se u teretanu. Pripreme za azijsku turneju su u jeku :) A iza mene su dve jako uzbudljive nedelje. Novak Đoković Fondacija je održala svoj prvi humanitarni događaj u Njujorku i uz pomoć velikog broja velikodušnih prijatelja koje imamo prikupili smo skoro 1,4 miliona dolara za našu decu u Srbiji. Čak sam iskoristio priliku da posetim jedno obdanište koje je deo programa UNICEFa u Srbiji i da uživam u nasmejanim licima mališana. Stvarno sam srećan da sam dao svoj doprinos i jedva čekam da nastavim i učinim još više u budućnosti. Od mališana sam dobio tako mnogo pozitivne energije da mi se čini da bih mogao da poletim :) Hvala vam da ste bili tu! Znači mi mnogo!