I’m officially back in the office!I hit couple of balls with Maria, trust me-she didn’t take it easy on me :) http://t.co/HglQmUCf
Hello everybody! I am back in „office“ and warming up for the Olympic games :) Thought i could hit couple of balls with Maria Sharapova and trust me – she didn’t take it easy on me. :)
Cao svima! Evo me opet na terenima, pripremam se za Olimpijadu. Pomislio sam da bi bila dobra ideja da udarim koju lopticu sa Mariom – i verujte mi, posteno me je namucila :)
Good day today for me. Happy to go through to the next round :) I even had a little surprise for the ones who were watching the match – my new white limited edition HEAD Tennis racquet bag. It reminds me so much of a golf bag, that I „accidentally“ brought a golf club with me on the grass… :) good that i had some racquets hidden there otherwise.. :) And check out my press conference later on, even Maria Sharapova joined in to ask me some questions: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/tennis/18587562
Odlican pocetak turnira. Srecan sam i zadovoljan svojom igrom. Cak sam imao i malo iznenadjenje za one koji su gledali mec – novu HEAD torbu za rekete :) Toliko me podseca na torbu za golf da sam „slucajno“ spakovao sa sobom i stap za golf :) dobro je da je bio i neki reket unutra inace… :) hehe a pogledajte i moju pres konferenciju, cak je i Maria Sharapova dosla da me pita koje pitanje :) http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/tennis/18587562