Hello guys! Sorry for not being so active on Fb, but I’m working hard with my team and focusing on my matches. So far, things are going well. I’m happy with my game. In between the practices, I manage to squeeze in some fishing time as you can see :) It is so relaxing and peaceful, and I really enjoy being by the water. Even for fishing Marian is my coach – and quite a good one ;)
Cao svima! Vredno radim sa timom i vrlo sam fokusiran na meceve, pa me zato nema tako cesto na Fejsu. Za sada sve ide kako treba i zadovoljan sam svojom igrom. Izmedju treninga uspem malo da odvojim vremena i za pecanje. Lepo je biti pored vode, to me opusta. A Marian mi je trener cak i u pecanju, i verujte mi na rec, i tu je najbolji. ;)