I visited Tesla Science Centre in Long Island. I want to thank the wonderful people who welcomed me and showed me around. It was so impactful walking around the grounds where Nikola Tesla invented some of the most important inventions that are integral parts of today’s modern society. He was a multidimensional being that has done so much for this world that it’s going to take many more years for us to realize that. Thank you Tesla. Long live your legacy and spirit. 🙏🏼
Obišao sam Naučni Centar Nikola Tesla na Long Island-u u Americi. Zahvaljujem se dragim ljudima iz organizacije koji su me toplo dočekali i dozvolili mi da se bolje upoznam sa centrom. Bilo je nestvarno hodati zemljom na kojoj je Tesla stvorio neke od najznačajnijih izuma koji su danas integralni deo modernog sveta. Nikola Tesla je bio multidimenzionalni čovek koji je toliko uradio za ovaj svet da će proći još mnogo godina pre nego što to u potpunosti shvatimo. Hvala ti veliki Tesla. Živeo još dugo tvoj legat i tvoj večni duh koji nas vodi i čuva. @ Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe
RT @atptour: Achievement unlocked 🔓
The defending champion glides through to the QF’s in Rome for the 17th consecutive year 👉
Happy #NoleFam Day @NovakFanClub 🙌 thank you for all of your love and support from around the world 🫶🤗🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️ https://t.co/XRQuOUte9v