I’m very excited to play another semifinal match tomorrow. Everyday there is a new challenge for me and that always keeps me busy and focused. Tennis has given me an opportunity to be heard globally and to give voice to the ones who need it. That’s my driving force when I come out on court each time. Knowing that with each victory, I get to be heard louder when I speak about the importance of investing in early childhood education and the need to give lots of love and attention to the children. Friendship Games that the Novak Djokovic Foundation organizes every year are wonderful time to be reminded of what life is all about – love, friendship, teamwork, fair play, laughing :)
Hope you can help me share this message because when we all act as one we can bring positive change to this world #FriendshipGames15 #Care4Kids #SupportECE

Veoma sam srećan što sutra igram još jedno polufinale. Svaki dan je za mene novi izazov i to mi pomaže da budem fokusiran i posvećen. Tenis mi daje i mogućnost da se moj glas čuje globalno i da tako dam na značaju onima kojima je to najpotrebnije. To me jako motiviše kad god izađem na teren… kada znam da će se sa svakom novom pobedom moje reči čuti još glasnije dok pričam o značaju ulaganja u rano obrazovanje naše dece i značaju koju ljubav i pažnja imaju u životima naših najmlađih. Drugarijada koju moja Fondacija organizuje iz godine u godinu je odlična prilika da se podsetimo šta je stvarno bitno u životu – ljubav, drugarstvo, timski rad, smeh i sreća :))

Pomozite mi da se ova poruka čuje još glasnije zato što samo kad svi delujemo kao jedan, kad se udružimo oko važnih stvari, stvarno možemo i da učinimo svet boljim i lepšim mestom za sve nas #drugarijada

Thank you for all of the bday wishes !! ❤️🙏🏼🫶🏼 https://t.co/aZrrZlFhMY

RT @atptour: Achievement unlocked 🔓

The defending champion glides through to the QF’s in Rome for the 17th consecutive year 👉


IDEMOOO let’s go @InteBNLdItalia 🇮🇹💪🏼❤️❤️ https://t.co/Pn4FbKVRM9

👋🏼❤️❤️ https://t.co/8XHu0mb57S

Happy #NoleFam Day @NovakFanClub 🙌 thank you for all of your love and support from around the world 🫶🤗🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️ https://t.co/XRQuOUte9v

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #SrpskaOpen https://t.co/wBnlRQCeH4

Pleasure to meet you, George. Good luck in Baku. 💪🏼 https://t.co/uByiqeoGA9

😂😂 https://t.co/otTU81pXvL

👋🏼🙌🏼💪🏼☄️🎾🎾🎾 https://t.co/eu89ks9RWy

⏱️ #nottoobad #HublotAmbassador https://t.co/x0OYBh3Dzf