Reflecting on the success of #NDFLondonGala last night. We raised more than £1,2million for children in that one, special night. I am so grateful to be surrounded with so many generous and wonderful people. We are all united for a good cause. One cannot do it all, and that’s why there are so many of us in this world. We are supposed to share and help each other, and this is exactly what we did last night! Big thank you to the chairs of the event Naomi Campbell, Boris Becker, Goldie Hawn, Kate Hudson, Ron Burkle and Mo Stojinovic, as well as our NDF Ambassadors Milutin Gatsby and Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson. And of course, special thank you goes to my love Jelena, who worked for many months to make it happen and who will continue to work to put all the money into good use so that many children can benefit. Next fundraising event will be in NY, September 10 – so,save the date!

Prikupili smo preko £1,2miliona za nasu decu sinoc na Gala veceri u Londonu. Jako sam zahvalan svim ljudima koji su podrzali moju fondaciju i koji veruju u ono sto radimo za decu Srbije. Ima nas toliko na ovom svetu i samo zajednickim snagama mozemo da napravimo velike i trajne promene, i to je bas ono sto smo ucinili sinoc. Ovaj novac cemo pazljivo uloziti kako bi sto vise dece bilo obuhvaceno nasim programima. Zahvaljujem se nasim domacinima i ambasadorima fondacije Naomi Kembel, Boris Beker, Goldi Hawn, Kate Hudson, Ron Burkle, Mo Stojinovic, Vojvotkinji Sari i Milutinu Gatsbiju koji su neizmerno doprineli uspehu nase humanitarne vecere. I naravno, posebno sam zahvalan i ponosan na moju Jelenu, koja je mesecima radila na pripremi ovog dogadjaja do najsitnijih detalja, i kao sto se vidi, jako uspesno! Nastavljamo dalje, sledeca humanitarna vecera je za samo par meseci u Njujorku, 10. septembra!

Thank you for all of the bday wishes !! ❤️🙏🏼🫶🏼

RT @atptour: Achievement unlocked 🔓

The defending champion glides through to the QF’s in Rome for the 17th consecutive year 👉


IDEMOOO let’s go @InteBNLdItalia 🇮🇹💪🏼❤️❤️


Happy #NoleFam Day @NovakFanClub 🙌 thank you for all of your love and support from around the world 🫶🤗🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #SrpskaOpen

Pleasure to meet you, George. Good luck in Baku. 💪🏼



⏱️ #nottoobad #HublotAmbassador