Today was a very successful day and I am happy that my game is improving. Looking forward to my next match vs Hewitt. Congratulations to Janko and Ziki on great game. Also, I have to say WOW and well done for our incredibly talented young swimmer Velimir Stjepanovic for winning 6th place in the finals of 200m butterfly. Our water polo team never fails to impress us with their skills. Well done guys! Idemo!

Danas je bio jako uspešan dan! Srećan sam što sam podigao nivo igre i radujem se sledećem meču protiv Hjuita. Čestitke Janku i Zikiju na četvrtfinalu. A posebno sam impresioniran mladim, talentovanim Velimirom koji je postigao fantastičan uspeh i osvojio 6. mesto u trci na 200m delfin. Ni naši vaterpolisti ne prestaju da nas oduševljavaju svojim umećem u bazenu. Najbolji smo! Ideeemooo!

Enjoying my time in Rome. Had a good practice with @TipsarevicJanko today and I’m ready for tomorrow :)