I’m ready 4 another @Ustream #Nole4ulive! How about u my #nolefam? Let’s meet on Thursday 20h CET http://t.co/4G6ICXen http://t.co/H3nFQpKf
I’m ready for another Ustream #Nole4ulive chat with you guys! How about you? Let’s meet on Thursday 20h CET at http://djoke.rs/tv
Društvo, spreman sam za novo druženje sa vama na mom Ustream kanalu http://djoke.rs/tv A vi? Vidimo se u četvrtak u 20h po našem vremenu! #Nole4uLive
This was new and great experience for me. I really think we rocked tonight! You guys were amazing, so many questions… I tried to answer as many as I could in the short time we had. Anyways, top 10 from Nole for You app got their answers finally and thanks for being patient, I know I was late :) I got from you great energy for my match tomorrow! 3rd match from 10:30 :) Wish me luck!
And in case some of you couldn’t make it to our little gathering, here it is: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/26549717
Ovo je bilo sjajno novo iskustvo za mene! Baš smo bili odlični, jel da? Neverovatno koliko ste mi pitanja postavljali… Potrudio sam se da odgovorim na što više u kratkom vremenu, ali nije bilo lako :) Barem sam uspeo da odgovorim na sva pitanja iz #Nole4You aplikacije. Podelili ste sa mnom sjajnu energiju pred sutrašnji meč! Hvala vam! A sutra igram treći meč od 10:30. Poželite mi sreću i vidimo se uskoro :)
We were 10000 tonight! How amazing is that? THANK YOU ALL! #Nolefam #nole4Ulive http://t.co/faW45l82
New time for #Nole4Ulive – tomorrow at 7:45pm CE time. How does it sound? Meet you all at djoke.rs/tv Thanks for your patience :)
Novo vreme za #nole4Ulive – sutra u 19:45. Kako vam to zvuči? Nađemo se na djoke.rs/tv. Hvala vam na strpljenju!
New time for #Nole4Ulive – Tuesday 19:45 CET. How does it sound? Meet you all at http://t.co/4G6ICXen Thanks for your patience :)