Yep, you got me there. One part of my text got somehow lost in rush. Sorry, I meant to say Roger/Seppi. My bad. What are your thoughts on that second semi final clash? Any predictions?

I da, u zurbi sam izostavio da dodam Seppi-ja. Moja greska i bas mi je zao jer mi nije bila namera da ga iskljucim. Nego, sta vi mislite o tom mecu? Ko ce pobediti?

I’m very happy to go through to the semi finals here in

I’m very happy to go through to the semi finals here in Rome. I had couple of good matches this week and now I’m turning my focus on my next opponent. Always a challenge to play Roger, but as you know – I am inspired by those challenges and I will give my best to be able to defend my title on Sunday. Oh, and look what I got from my fans. I am blessed to have you!

Vrlo sam zadovoljan danasnjim mecom i srecan sam sto sam stigao u polufinale. U sledecem mecu me ceka veliki izazov – Roger. Jedva cekam, spreman sam i nadam se pobedi! I ovu pobedu, kao i sve prethodne posvećujem svojoj zemlji i svakom od vas – nikom manje ili više. Zelim da ponovim svoj stav, a to je da sam potpuno apolitican. Ne zelim da se moje ime povezuje uopste sa politikom, niti politicarima. Svaki put kada igram, to radim za celu Srbiju i to cu ciniti dokle god sam profesionalni sportista.