I’m at O2 Arena. Are you ready for semis today?Evo me u

I’m at O2 Arena. Are you ready for semis today?

Evo me u O2 areni, jeste li spremni za polufinale?

I’m at O2 now. Are you ready for semis today? See u soon! http://t.co/6p2tTg74

Happy to be through to semis. Had a lot of luck with the weather today :)

In case you were wondering what I do after such a long

In case you were wondering what I do after such a long match: after all the press and recovery that is routine for everyone, I go home and watch some TV and then sit by the computer to see what happened outside the world of tennis. I end up reading your comments and words of support and appreciation, and that is what brings me back all the energy that I left out there on the court. It was a long day today, i know it was tough for you to watch too – so thank you for being there for me till the end! I will use wisely these 2 days to recover and be ready for semis.

Ako ste se pitali sta li ja to radim posle ovako dugog meca, evo da vam ukratko napisem: pored obaveznog oporavka i press konferencije, odem kuci i sednem malo da gledam TV. Na kraju zavrsim citajuci vase reci podrske i komentare koje mi neumorno saljete. Pored oporavka to je ono sto mi vrati svu energiju koju sam ostavio na terenu. Znam da je i vama bio dug dan danas i da vam ni malo nije bilo lako da me bodrite i gledate mec, ali ipak vam hvala sto jeste. Potrudicu se da pametno iskoristim ova dva dana odmora kako bih bio spreman za polufinalni duel.

I’m very happy to go through to the semi finals here in

I’m very happy to go through to the semi finals here in Rome. I had couple of good matches this week and now I’m turning my focus on my next opponent. Always a challenge to play Roger, but as you know – I am inspired by those challenges and I will give my best to be able to defend my title on Sunday. Oh, and look what I got from my fans. I am blessed to have you!

Vrlo sam zadovoljan danasnjim mecom i srecan sam sto sam stigao u polufinale. U sledecem mecu me ceka veliki izazov – Roger. Jedva cekam, spreman sam i nadam se pobedi! I ovu pobedu, kao i sve prethodne posvećujem svojoj zemlji i svakom od vas – nikom manje ili više. Zelim da ponovim svoj stav, a to je da sam potpuno apolitican. Ne zelim da se moje ime povezuje uopste sa politikom, niti politicarima. Svaki put kada igram, to radim za celu Srbiju i to cu ciniti dokle god sam profesionalni sportista.