2 vs 1 and I and I am still standing tall. Anyone want’s to try? 💪😜 https://t.co/pYz1mGFqYK

It’s great to be back 👍🏼#BNPPM #LoveParis w/ @nenadzim https://t.co/1yyBl5SkvR

Bonsoir mes amis, ça va? Greetings from Paris! I arrived today safe

Bonsoir mes amis, ça va? Greetings from Paris! I arrived today safe and sound and already had my first practice. Each time I come to Paris, I always go to the same restaurants. I developed this habit to always go where I know the menu and where I already tried the food. It’s been like this for years. This time I thought it would be nice to do something new for a change. Does anyone have some good restaurant to recommend? I’m open for suggestions! :)

Bonsoir mes amis, ça va? :) Ne znam da li i vi imate ovakvu naviku, ali ja se uglavnom vraćam proverenim restoranima gde sam se već uverio u kvalitet hrane. Pa tako i u Parizu. Uvek idem na ista mesta i ovoga puta mi je palo na pamet da otkrijem nešto novo i drugačije. Jel imate vi neki predlog?

Bonsoir! Greetings from Paris! Anyone care to recommend some good restaurant? http://t.co/7GQvYkWa

Finally got home after couple of busy weeks. Not for long tho, I’m heading to Paris very soon on another quest! http://t.co/yKKfw2pv

I finally got to be home for a little bit after few

I finally got to be home for a little bit after few very busy but successful weeks. I will have just enough time to re-pack my suitcases as I’m heading to Paris on another quest :) I was in Belgrade last week, so I had a chance to meet up with all my family and friends. I missed them so much during my travels. It’s always so good to catch up with them and see that they are all happy and healthy. Hope all of you are enjoying this unusually warm weather in October. It’s so nice, it almost feels like spring!

I evo me ponovo kod kuće posle nekoliko radnih ali uspešnih nedelja. Neću se zadržati dugo, taman da prepakujem stvari jer već kroz par dana idem u Pariz u nove pohode :) Poslednjih par dana sam proveo u Beogradu sa familijom i prijateljima. Nadam se da ste svi zdravo i dobro i da uživate u nesvakidašnje toplim oktobarskim danima. Kao da je proleće :)

It could have been a better day for me, but nevertheless I’m leaving Paris with warm heart and great memories. Every experience makes me stronger and better. I move on to the next challenge with the highest hopes. Always aiming the big trophy at the end while picking up some valuable lessons on the way. Just like today. Congrats for incredible run Rafa! We’ll meet again… :) I have this special song for you my friends – thank you for believing in me all the way! http://goo.gl/UTsRb

Moglo je i bolje da se zavrsi danas za mene, ali bez obzira na ishod meca odlazim iz Pariza toplog srca i sa puno divnih utisaka. Svako iskustvo me cini boljim i jacim. Idem dalje u nove izazove kao i uvek sa zeljom da osvojim najsjajnije odlicje. Na svakom putu uvek naucim ponesto vredno, bas kao i danas. Cestitam na velikom uspehu Rafa. Videcemo se ponovo… :) A za vas dragi moji prijatelji, imam jednu posebnu pesmu – hvala vam sto verujete u mene! http://goo.gl/UTsRb